Thursday 18 April 2013

Braosalaus (Ground, Rock)

Name: Braosalaus
Type: Ground, Rock
Attacks: Earth Quake, Boulder Smash, Rock Throw, Rock Crush
Ultimate Attacks: Boulder Charge, Rock Slide, Spikes Slide, Boulder Cannon Blast
Description: Braosalaus is a dinosaur monster which evolve from Boolas. The spikes on its body can protect itself from any melee type attacks and is immune to burning, bleeding, ravaged and poisoned. It can also protect its allies when the monster attack with the debuff it's immune to. When they use melee attacks, they will suffering bleeding and shield breaker. The tail also has spikes that can make monster suffering bleeding, weakened and remove buff. The claws is sharp and pointy that can ignore defense and can make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged and shred.

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