Friday 28 February 2014

Srewsaurs (Metal)

Name: Srewsaurs
Type: Metal
Attacks: Nail Rain, Drill Buster, Metallic Strike, Metal Slash, Drill Bash
Ultimate Attacks: Gold Blast, Frenzy Strike, Drill Slash, Golden Drill, Metallic Canon
Description: Srewsaurs is a one of the legend dinosaur monster with golden body and metal power. The tail has hyper metal drill with highly crits, paragon exploiter and apply tenderized, shield breaker and bleeding The horns has the rampage power that can exploit attrition and apply weak point, impaired and stun. The body has golden durable that can immune to any bleeding and shred attacks, also gain golden shield and drill strength. The claw has golden blade that can ignore defense, high crits and apply bleeding, shred, ravaged and disadvantage    

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