Wednesday 12 February 2014

Poisell (Dark)

Name: Poisell
Type: Dark
Attacks: Dark Ram, Shadow Slam, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Night Fury
Ultimate Attacks: Shadow Blast, Scythe Shadow Blade, Dark Fury Slam
Description: Poisell is a bull monster with shadow power and darkness fury which is evolved from Unicorull. The horns has become bigger and lose its drill horn. These horns are very powerful that can deadly crits, highly crits, exploits dark void and bane, also apply fumbling, flanked, poisoned, bane and stun, also apply dark void while using dark aura power. The scythe is very sharp that can exploits opportunity, attrition and apply bleeding, ravaged, exposed, off balance, flanked and impaired. The body has full of chaos that can immune to dark attacks and gain dark soul charge and apply the attacker dark void and bane.    

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