Tuesday 11 February 2014

Squiunder (Water, Thunder)

Name: Squiunder
Type: Water, Thunder
Attacks: Thunder Slam, Hydro Pump, Thunder Strike, Water Strike, Smoke Pulse
Description: Squiunder is a squid monster with thunder power and water skills. The body has high voltage power that can shock its enemy to gain electric charge and apply the target static charge, paralyzed, stun and drain stamina. The suction cups on its tentacle can release ink smokescreen that can apply disoriented, blinded and cower, it can also release thunder blast that shock the opponent and apply stun, paralyzed, drain stamina and gain itself energize and morale boost. The body has store water supply that can shot water on the land battle as it apply fumbling and exhausted, also use to restore water when it had low water pressure or health.      

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