Friday 20 September 2013

Uninorse (Thunder, Flying)

Name: Uninorse
Type: Thunder, Flying
Attacks: Thundershock, Thunder Strike, Wing Slash, Thunder Tail Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Horn Berserk Charge, Air Cutter, Tornado, Thunder Tornado
Description: Uninorse is a unicorn plus with pegasus wings which evolve from Horull. It has its unicorn like horn that bring thunder power that can able to shock monster and make them suffering bleeding, static charge, arc lighting and incapacitation. The tail also has thunder power with its deadly crits and highly crits that can trigger static charge and cause generalized and flanked to the target. The wings can also deflect any thunder, flying and fire attacks as its wings can flow their attacks and counter back to the attacker, also able to slice monster from the air and make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, apply exposed and pressure point.  

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