Tuesday 24 September 2013

Butterthorn (Bug, Flying)

Name: Butterthorn
Type: Bug, Flying
Attacks: Wings Attacks, Thorn Slash, Bug Buzz, Buzzing Break
Ultimate Attacks: Air Full Charge Attacks, Tail Boulder Smash, Super Bug Blast
Description: Butterthorn is a butterfly monster with has thorns on its legs which evolve from Metark. It was the counterpart of Butterak. The thorns on its legs can strike monster very fast with blazing speed effect and make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, apply weak point and lock on. The tail has boulder tail that can ignore defense, deadly critical and exploits stun, also apply shield breaker, stun and imitated. The wings can fly very high that cannot been stop by air and defend itself from any ranged and melee type attacks as it can fly very fast and nimble that can dodge their attacks, unless its become blinded or stun to guaranteed hit and losing its health.

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