Monday 3 June 2013

Bontrikaur (Fire, Dragon)

Name: Bontrikaur
Type: Fire, Dragon
Attacks: Fire Claw, Flame Thrower, Dragon Ball, Fire Ball, Dragon Pulse
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Blast, Dragon Charge, Meteor Strike, Draco Meteor, Fire Burst
Description: Bontrikaur is a dinosaur monster which is the powerful monster in the world. It took over the biggest monster in the world record and become their great leader. The armor is hard and made of strong metal that can immune to any melee type attacks and make monster suffering bleeding and exposed. The tail has a boulder tail with the tail that has spikes that can smash monster that will make monster stun, dizzy, and make them suffering bleeding and ravaged. The head also has armor that can protected by any ranged and fire type attacks, it has a hidden blade that will slash monster by suffering bleeding and ravaged. Its saber tooth teeth can crunch down monster can reduce health and gain weak point.

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