Tuesday 4 June 2013

Bonkaillaur (Fire)

Name: Bonkaillaur
Type: Fire
Attacks: Fire Punch, Fire Claw Slash, Fire Blast, Fire Tail Smash, Flame Thrower
Ultimate Attacks: Fire Burst Blast, Volcano Blast, Dark Fire Comet, Blast Burn, Magma Blast
Description: Bonkaillaur is the king of the world legendary monster which evolve from Bontrikaur. The armor from all around the body can protect itself form any all attacks, including fire type attacks. The wings can slash monster make them suffering bleeding and ravaged, but it also can fly very high that can crush extra damage when it went down to attack the target monster. The tail can pound and crash monster that can exposed and tenderize. The claws is sharp and pointy that can ignore defense and make monster suffering bleeding and ravaged. The head is immune to psychic power that can reduce damage from psychic attack and removed debuff from its body.

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