Saturday 23 March 2013

Trecolar (Poison, Psychic)

Name: Trecolar
Type: Poison, Psychic
Attacks: Psychic Boost, Poison Ball, Poison Blast, Poison Slash
Ultimate Attacks: Mental Coordination, Psychic Blast, Poison Boom Blast, Psychic Laser Blast
Description: Trecolar, which evolve from Cobrak has become bigger as the size of a T-Rex. Its scales has two powerful mind control to control monster's mind, even through its machine type monster, it will control their main system and obey it. The scales also can blast poison with one of the controller and make monster suffering poison and mental scrapping. It is the first monster to have its own buff move, ''Mental Coordination''. It can follow up its attacks when it attacked its first. The claws can slash machines and fried their circuit, when it face bio type monster, it will bring poison and attack them by make them suffering poison and reduced their attack and accuracy. Its teeth can bite monster that will make them suffering poison and exposed their defense by ignore their defense.    

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