Tuesday 19 March 2013

Beoglat (Bug, Metal)

Name: Beoglat
Type: Bug, Metal
Attacks: Bug Crunch, Metal Jaws Crunch, Bug Tackle, Metal Claws
Ultimate Attacks: Gyro Ball, Gyro Blast, Nail Tornado, Mercury Blast
Description: Beoglat is a bug monster which evolve from Beolttle. It grown an iron tail that can smash down building and make monster dizzy and exposed when they been hit. Although the armor is lighter, but it still very bulky that is immune physical and energy type attacks, but it still weak against fire attacks and will make it suffering burning. To avoid more burning causes, the blue metal on its armor can reduce damage itself from any fire type attacks. The jaws are small but is powerful that can bite down metal and stone that will make them suffering bleeding and exposed their defense.   

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