Tuesday 12 August 2014

Targon (Dragon)

Name: Targon
Type: Dragon
Attacks: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Draco Burst, Outrage, Draco Wing Slash, Dragon Punch
Ultimate Attacks: Draco Meteor Storm, Dragon Blast, Dragon Stomp, Dragon Fang Burst
Description: Targon is a dragon monster that has dragon power and the ability of most high damage attacks. The wings are very sharp that has highly speed and able to strike its target as it can high crits, ignore defense and apply bleeding and shred on mechanical target. The claws are very sharp and also has Draco burst that ignore defense, gain Draco claws and apply bleeding, ravaged, shred and pain. The tail can shoot many spikes that shoot the target with ranged ability and apply the target with fatal blow and targeted.

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