Wednesday 3 July 2013

Slogltah (Bug)

Name: Slogltah
Type: Bug
Attacks: Bug Crush, Bug Bite, Bug Tackle, Bug Buzz
Ultimate Attacks: Bug Mega Bite, Bug Mega Crush, Bug Biter, Bug Super Blast
Description: Slogltah is a ball monster with the power of a bug. The teeth of its fangs can crunch monster that can ignore defense, gain disadvantage and make monster suffering bleeding, ravaged, tenderise, weakened and shield breaker. The head fang on its head can bite from above while in the air and strike monster which can make monster stun, suffering bleeding, ravaged, found weak point and exposed. It was very reflexes that often dodge any melee and ranged type attacks and counter melee type attacks that will apply bleeding and ravaged to the attacker    

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