Tuesday 21 May 2013

Jarewsaurs (Ground)

Name: Jarewsaurs
Type: Ground
Attacks: Ground Pound, Ground Smash, Ground Strike, Ground Charge Attack
Ultimate Attacks: Berserk Rage Attack, Berserk Claw Slash, Earth Quake, Savaged Claw Strike
Description: Jarewsaurs is a dinosaur monster that has big claws with it. It was one of the legendary monster because its claws not only sharp, but also can slice any materiel into a half. The feet has also long and sharp claws that can counter monster and stealthy that will found weak point and remove buff. The horn can strike monster that will make monster suffering bleeding and it can also can exposed and dizzy. The back has spikes that can protect itself from melee type attacks and reduced damage against melee type attacks. 

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