Wednesday 28 May 2014

Mid-term Holiday Break

Hei guys, sorry about not having post any images these days because its the mid-term holiday, so it will stop posting for the holidays, but I will post the new images every weekdays after this holidays ended, so please wait and I apologize for this break I about to do.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Hearog (Light, Flying)

Name: Hearog
Type: Light, Flying
Attacks: Heart Slash, Flying Strike, Heart Stomp, Dive Bomber, Wing Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Heart Boomerang Sword, Heart Bash, Love Blade Strike
Description: Hearog is a heart monster which is the army in the Love Kingdom, they fight to protect the enemy who tries to destroy love. The blade can slash its target that can exploits bleed and also apply pain, bleeding, ravaged and love dissolve (reduced attack and had a chance to protect against ally attacks). The wing has love fibre feather that can dodge any ranged and electric, but vulnerable to corrupted attack. The body is very soft so that is vulnerable to strong and high critical attacks, but it has heart defense skin that has a chance to reduced high damage.