Tuesday 29 April 2014

Xelxolaz (Metal)

Name: Xelxolaz
Type: Metal
Attacks: Laser Beam, Metal Strike, Cannon Burst, Metal Punch, Gyro Crush
Ultimate Attacks: Laser Blast, Metallic Cannon, Multi Cannon Shot, Gyro Burst
Description: Xelxolaz is a jade metallic monster that has a metallic cannon as its weapon. The double cannon can blast two metal cannon that can blast in ranged as it can remove buffs, wide open and stun. The laser is very hot but can only deal medium damage, but can apply burning, melt armor, shield breaker and targeted. The body is made of jade metal that immune to any melee attacks, also can immune to bleeding, burning and exposed as its armor too hard to reduce its defense, it can also gain bulky while been attacked by melee attacks.

Monday 28 April 2014

Feilxeol (Thunder)

Name: Feilxeol
Type: Thunder
Attacks: Thunder wave, Laser Beam, Laser Eye, Thunder Punch, Thunder Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Thunderbolt, Laser Canon, Laser Burst, Thunder Blast, Lighting Storm
Description: Feilxeol is a laser monster with flammable laser gun and thunder power. The laser are very hot that can exploits burning and apply melt armor and pyrophoric. The body is very hot that can immune to burning and pyrophoric, also gain plasma burn and burning armor to increase its fire defense and gain laser upgrade while attacking.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Meiolgal (Fire, Metal)

Name: Meiolgal
Type: Fire, Metal
Attacks: Flamethrower, Laser Burn, Fire Punch, Melt Blast, Laser Strike
Ultimate Attacks: Hot Laser Blast, Inferno Strike, Lava Laser Barrage, Mega Laser Burst
Description: Meiolgal is a lava monster which is equipped with laser gun. The gun has store many laser power that can fire with exploits burning and apply burning, melt armor and pyrophoric. The body is very hot that become flame infinity that immune to burning and increase attack and accuracy. It can also apply burning to the melee attacker that also reduce the attacker who use fire attacks.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Xlexone (Dark)

Name: Xlexone
Type: Dark
Attacks: Bullet Burst, Shadow Punch, Trick Shot, Shadow Kick, Dark Pulse
Ultimate Attacks: Shadow Blast, Night Fury Strike, Shadow Shot, Killing Shot, Darkness Gun Shot
Description: Xlexone is a shadow guards monster that equipped a shotgun. The shotgun has huge fire power that can damage its target with exploits dark void, paragon exploiter and apply the target with dark void and bane. The horns are very pointy that stab its target with weak point, bleeding and winded. The body is covered with darkness rage that can immune to dark void and reduce any dark damage and magic attacks, its also can stare its target to protect any incoming attacks as it apply cower and mind control while it gain the darkness stare.

Monday 21 April 2014

Wiblelaw (Wind)

Name: Wiblelaw
Type: Wind
Attacks: Wind Punch, Blinding Punches, Wind Kick, Hurricane Fist
Ultimate Attacks: Tornado Burst, Vortex Burst, Smokescreen, Hurricane Swift, Tornado Storm
Description: Wiblelaw is a wind ninja monster that use wind technical and style. These fist can unleash tornadoes that can exploits tenderized and protection, also apply opportunist and pressure points, its tornadoes can has a chance to perform a follow up attacks. The bracer from its arm can deflect any ranged and slashing attacks, also can gain wind rush and windy deflect. The body is made of tornado that can become phased until it recently phased, also immune to any attacks while phased expect for incorporable attacks that can attack the target even through it's phased. Its feet can unleash tornado boots that gain swifty to avoid any melee and ranged attacks; but when it stun, it become vulnerable and a make other monsters get an opportunity to attack.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Xelounch (Fire, Fighting)

Name: Xelounch
Type: Fire, Fighting
Attacks: Fire Punch, Comet Punch, Fire Bash, Mach Punch, Blinding Punch
Ultimate Attacks: One Mile Punch, Burning Slam, Inferno Fist, Hyper Comet Punch
Description: Xelounch is a punching monster with two lava boxing glove. These gloves are very powerful that deal extreme damage in melee attacks, also can attacks with high crits and exploitation (exploits to all debuffs), its burning glove can additional apply soul fire and melt armor. However it vulnerable in air combat that only deal minimum damage and low chance to hit, as it couldn't dodge in most flying attacks and air attacks. The body has plasma body that can immune to burning, also apply melee attacker with burning and melt armor, also it gain glove haste that increase damage, evasion and gain build-up.  

Monday 14 April 2014

Selontol (Fire, Rock)

Name: Selontol
Type: Fire, Rock
Attacks: Fire Slash, Rock Fist, Rock Slide, Flame Sword, Lava Fist, Burning Break
Ultimate Attacks: Inferno Slash, Lava Pump, Inferno Burst, Volcano Burn
Description: Selontol is a volcano monster that high heat temperature that can always exploits burning while attacking. The sword can slash its target with ranged fire energy slash, also can gain rising up and heat on and apply the target bleeding, ravaged, burning and melt armor. The body has lava plasma aura that can heal itself while in combat, also can apply burning and pyrophoric while the melee attacker attack this target. The rock can protect itself from any ranged and tech attacks, also reduce damage against melee and energy attacks.

Friday 11 April 2014

Teurloelo (Metal, Grass)

Name: Teurloelo
Type: Metal, Grass
Attacks: Jade Punch, Metal Slash, Grass Knot, Energy Ball, Iron Uppercut
Ultimate Attacks: Jade Blaster, Energy Blade, Frenzy Rush, Jade Fist
Description: Teurloelo is a jade ball monster which is the army of the jade palace. The blade is very sharp that can cut through anything by ignore defense and deadly crits, also apply bleeding, ravaged, stargazed and flanked. The body is made of jade metal that can immune to burning and bleeding, also reduce any income damage and counter attacks, also gain jade armor and jade forge to strengthened up and increase its armor durability.  

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Feialgal (Fire)

Name: Feialgal
Type: Fire
Attacks: Fire Slash, Lava Punch, Flame Sword, Fire Burst, Lava Scratch
Ultimate Attacks: Inferno Burst, Burning Slash, Flame Blast, Burning Cross
Description: Feialgal is a fire swordsman that has the swordsman skill and agility. Its has most of counter attacks instinct that counter every attack, even with psychic and stealthy, also gain future knowledge that counter its before the enemy attacks. The sword has inferno burn that slash its target with exploits shield and protection, a haemorrhage attack, also apply soul fire, bleeding, ravaged and melt armor. The body is covered with heat energy that can store any fire energy by gain heating up and plasma power, also apply burning to the attacker who use melee type attacks.    

Monday 7 April 2014

Wealolg (Metal)

Name: Wealolg
Type: Metal
Attacks: Metal Arrow, Arrow Volley, Shrapnel Arrow, Smoke Bomb Arrow
Ultimate Attacks: Pinpoint Shot, Golden Volley, Metal Arrow Storm, Mega Impact Arrow
Description: Wealolg is an archer monster with its high accuracy and super hunting instinct. The arrow has many type arrows, the shrapnel arrow can apply bleeding and ravaged, smoke bomb arrow can apply blinded and disoriented, while normal arrow can apply pressure points, opportunist and remove buff also all arrow can ignore defense and exploits protection. The bow can stretch very long for more power and increase accuracy, also can release energy arrow while it ran out normal arrow as it need high energy power that can only one shot at a time. The body is made of light metal that it can move very quick, but also reduce its defense. Its also can immune to bleeding and ravaged as its body is made of metal. Its instinct can increase its chance to hit and critical that can always apply weak point and gain itself hunting point.    

Friday 4 April 2014

Brachingireing (Fire, Thunder)

Name: Brachingireing
Type: Fire, Thunder
Attacks: Fire Burst, Thunder Shock, Lighting Storm, Burning Ball, Fire Fang, Thunder Rain
Ultimate Attacks: Flame Tornado, Lighting Volt, Volt Blast, Magma Burn, Inferno Pump
Galactic Attacks: Thundire Twister Burst
Description: Brachingireing is a legendary monster that as it was the lord of the volcano island. Its legend said every it woke up from its slumber, it roar and make the volcano to erupt, only the strongest one would defeat it and make it back to its slumber. The body has magma and thunder body as it can immune to both types attacks, also immune to tech, gun and magic attacks. It can apply the melee attacker with burning and static charge. The claws is very high voltage and lava burn that slash its target with exploits stun, also apply burning, pyrophoric, bleeding, ravaged and paraylzed. The fangs has thunder fang that can crunch its target by applying melt armor, disabled and immobilized. The tail has magma burn that gain lava rage and magma aura, also it can splat its target with splash damage, combustible and apply burning, melt armor and lava burn. The wings can burst its flame and uses to fly, while unleash burning blast from its tail, it can apply the target with burning, melt armor, stun and pyrophoric  

Thursday 3 April 2014

Wilog (Grass, Water)

Name: Wilog
Type: Grass, Water
Attacks: Energy Ball, Hydro Strike, Licking Split, Flycatcher, Energy Beam, Hydro Pump
Ultimate Attacks: Goo Blast, Hydro Slash, Solar Beam, Solar Storm, Energy Ray, Mega Diver Bomb
Description: Wilog is a toad monster that has gigantic size and huge feet which is evolved from Wingog. The back feet can leap very high that can stomp its target while landing that deals high crits, deadly crits and exploits stun, also apply stun, neutralized, weak point and cornered. The wings can help it fly and deflect any water attacks and slash its target, also apply bleeding, ravaged, impaired and gain itself rising up. The body has slimy skin that can immune to burning, chilled and any water attacks, also apply the attacker with slimy goo, sticky and stick trap (reduce evasion to 0 and cannot attack in a round).  

Wingog (Grass, Water)

Name: Wingog
Type: Grass, Water
Attacks: Grass Knot, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Leap Stomp, Lick, Razor Leaf
Description: Wingog is a frog monster with extreme jumping ability that can jump very high and far. The back legs are very reflex-able that can always dodge most of ranged attacks, also can make jump attacks as a quick action. It also use its hind feet to knock down the target with stun, also apply dizzy and weak point. The wings can fly that also can reduce damage against melee type attacks, also can use to attack its target with exploits stun, and apply pressure points, weak point, tenderized and winded. The body is very slimy but it can help it to breathe underwater for a while, also its slimy body can immune to any water attacks, it also gain slimy skin, that every melee attacker will apply sticky and slime goo (weakened and slowed it, also remove buff) from its skin.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Beaken-XXX (All)

Name: Beaken-XXX
Type: All (expect for Bug type)
Attacks: Draconian Meteor, Blazing Blast, Hydro Cannon, Lighting Storm, Ground Smash, Tornado Burst, Rock Slide, Frozen Beam, Psychic Beam, Dark Frenzy, Ghost Slash, Dragon Wing Slash, Holy Shine Blaster, Poison Slash, Gyro Burst, Focus Blast Cannon
Ultimate Attacks: Hyper Element Blast, Draconian Cannon Shower, Destruction Hyper Beam
Galactic Attacks: Element Cannon Burst
Description: Beaken-XXX is an ancient monster which is founded in Egypt as its named was translate from hieroglyphs. It brings both savoir and destruction whatever its chosen a better path, the balance path, but when it consume most of negative or despair-ness energy, it will bring nothing but chaos to the world. The body has protect it for many centuries ago that any modern or even future weapon couldn't hurt it at all, only it can be hurt by any dragon energy power attacks as that attack can shattered its armor. The claws has holy light burn that can swipe its target with exploits corruption, a haemorrhage attack, ignore defense  and apply bleeding (x5), ravaged, shield breaker, blinded and melt armor. The canon has massive fire-power as it can absorb all element (expect for bug attacks), gain itself power contained, energize and skirmisher, while it blast the hyper canon, it instead knock out the target whatever any high health monster couldn't stand a chance, but its canon has to load very slowly, so that any explosion,big critical damage (although it couldn't harm it) or dragon burst attack can remove its canon blast, while it normally shot energy beam can apply the target with chaos shot, pyrophoric, disabled, pressure points and it deals with high crits and exploits attrition. The tail is very sharp that can unleash dark blade or holy shine blade can slash into the ground and deal the target with paragon exploiter, ignore defense, deadly crits and apply bleeding, ravaged, dark void, bane and doom. For the holy blade it grant itself rising up and covered, also can additional apply blinded and disoriented, and the dark blade can exploits dark void, bonus damage against bane, grant itself with frenzy, berserker, moral boost and apply drained energy and despair.